Rooted in tradition and proud of her rich history and lineage, a trip to Lisbon is a study in the different dimensions which make up this beautiful city. One of the leading players in shaping the renaissance in Europe and today a bustling center for the arts, a trip to Lisbon is also a trip into the cultural richness of not just Portugal but also that of the entirety of Europe. One of the other defining features of the city of Lisbon is of course its water. Located close to water, one of the leading attractions of the city of Lisbon is of course its waterways. As meandering alley ways take you past some of the oldest buildings in this picturesque city, the Atlantic Ocean creates a perfect contrast with the whitewashed buildings that mark the identity of the city of Lisbon.

Built on the area covered by seven hills, Lisbon is characterized by a climate that is comfortably moderate all through the year. Thus, you can choose almost any time of the year to travel to this beautiful land, thanks to its cool summers and pleasant winters, which is quite unlike most of the other European cities.

One of the most popular tourist destinations in the city which showcase the strong features of medieval architectural influence in the city of Lisbon as well as the whole of Portugal is of course, the Castelo de São Jorge. Also known as St. George’s Castle, the Castelo de São Jorge is definitely the first place which you should visit while in Lisbon. A castle that is located atop a hill, this beautiful place provides you with a complete bird’s-eye view of the entire city of Lisbon complete with some of the most spectacular views of the sea, the river, and the valley through which the river flows.

A short walk from this beautiful medieval castle takes you past the most charming winding roads with their characteristically pebbled look to the village of Alfama, a village that even today has successfully retained its old world look, which is today combined with the best of modern technology. Wander through the quaint streets of this beautiful neighborhood which has some very marked influences of Moorish culture and art, which completely gives it a look that is unique in the whole of Europe. Added to this is the Aqueduto das Aguas Livres, an aqueduct, which was built around the period of the eighteenth century and today one of the most visited tourist attractions within the city of Lisbon. The Aqueduto das Aguas Livres is also home to the largest stone arch in the world which is another reason for its popularity with the tourist to Lisbon.

Chiado is another of the places in the city of Lisbon which holds and preserves some of the most medieval influences of the city. Today a bustling shopping area, a walk through the stoned walk ways of this beautiful place is just the perfect way in which you can make sure that your shopping trip coincides with the sightseeing activities that Lisbon is so famous for! Besides being the most popular area of night clubs within the city of Lisbon, this is also a thriving artist’s colony.

By Lorie

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