To all of our knowledge, travel companies these days are using up websites and online applications to realise the full potential of their services. From booking of flights, trains, hotels to providing throughout information about a destination, they are doing it all via online. Most companies plan the whole year round for the peak season tourism and a website can give a great push to their plans and potential. With strong, responsive and interactive features, they can attract more tourists and increase bookings overnight. But, at every step, you need to make sure that your website is capable of acknowledging the sudden rush of visitors on it and can handle the huge number of bookings. The below points will be of great help if you own a travel business and thinking of reaching great revenue and profits milestones this year.
Booking management must be lucid
Managing all bookings, customer queries, payments, and new booking requests require huge efforts and surely handling all that manually is near to impossible. That’s why you have web application as a travel booking marketplace. Whether you built it from the scratch or use third-party plugins make sure that your web app integrates the core functions of concurrent bookings and users handling, easy and fast checkout and error tolerance while handling queries.
Useful Cataloging
Every travel company maintains their own calendar with names, package details and location of the popular destinations that they provide the tour of. So, when it is about going online, make sure the catalogue provides complete details of the destinations and finding about one particular destination by a tourist is easy.
Try incorporating the feature of Smart Catalog that helps business owners display the famous destinations, recommend activities, and feature packages right on the homepage.
Visibility in Social Media
Being in the travel business, you just cannot ignore the relevance of social media where you can target customers from the mass users. It is a tremendously powerful marketing concept and hence can skyrocket your revenues by attracting new customers as well as nurturing loyalty for the existing ones. Things that the feature of social media visibility in your web application help to achieve are:
- Rise in the number of customers overnight by attracting social media followers directly.
- Post shares regarding tours/packages recommendations.
- Direct linking to the website
- Visitors through referrals, message promotions and many more.
- Customised Content management
Well, to maintain and update your site to provide all the latest information or new packages/offers to the tourists, you will need a feature that will help you as an admin to make changes smoothly. However, to make that happen your web application should be powered by a robust and flexible CMS, blog section, Email, SMS integration, or in-app notification.
With all these far-fetched features, keep your online travel marketplace ready for all overwhelming number of visitors in the high seasons. Thus, whether you own a powerful web application for your travel agency and want to upgrade it or need a new site to make it go online, try sticking to these imperative aspects.